Sunday, 30 September 2007
Secondly, I will be going back to college soon to start my second year, so I probably, won't be able to update the blog for a while. Sorry.
Fan Art

I am going to put some fan art up here. This is obviously a small selection of the fan art I draw. Some are just pencil sketches, some are inked and some are in colour. Now I know that fan art should be your drawing/version of the character that you as the artist interprets and I do do that, but I believe that the one's I have made-up are not as good as the ones that have been inspired by a previous image. Anyway here goes.
I got a great figure for my birthday of Mickey Mouse dressed as a Jedi with Yoda, both wielding light sabres and I just had to draw a picture based on it. It was from the Star Tours attraction in Disneyland Resort Paris. Yoda is based here on the design from the Cartoon Network Star Wars show.
This picture is just a variety of my favourite characters that I doodled on a piece of paper. All these characters are great, but I think I watched a good episode of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends that day.
This is just some doodles I did on an envelope that I scanned into the computer. I admit some are better than others.
Here's Kim, Ron and Rufus. I think this show is terrific and it is such a shame it had to end. We still haven't seen the finale series here in England yet.

This is a Lilo and Stitch picture I did based on a Chris Sanders storyboard. His style is great and this picture is so cute.
Here's some drawings of Taz. Taz is cool.
I love title cards, and the title cards to Danny Phantom are terrific. This one is from the episode Kindred Spirits.

Today I shall be putting some of my doodles up on the blog. I hope you enjoy them. The one above for example is just some random doodles of my characters I did. Some of these doodles could be a year old, some will be more recent.

This early watercolour of The Toons was my first practice at watercolour. They have change a little since this picture.

These are a couple of Doodleboy action poses based on the man of steel.

This picture is a early watercolour of stitch-bag ( I really need to think of a better name). As you can see, the floppy bit at the back of his head was much shorter. Actually, when he was originally drawn it didn't exist but it kept getting longer. It ended currently being the one below, complete with Naruto-Esq smoke.

Thanks for looking.
Friday, 28 September 2007
Stephen Silver
Just put up a new link to Stephen silver's blog. He's a professional character designer and he is incredible. He designed characters for Kim Possible and Danny Phantom. And he's English, just like me. He puts up dome good video tutorials and actually has an online course, so if you have a spare $998 you might want to look into it.
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
One is Steve Loter's Blog called So the Finale charting the final episodes of Kim Possible. Sad.
Another is Craig McCracken's Foster's Blog. Cool stuff, but nothing new has been posted in ages.
the Fairly Odd- Blog is self explanatory, except also nothing new has been put up there for a very long time.
Small Room is Will Finn's Disney animators blog. Intriguing.
finally there is John K's Blog. He has some good advice, but he goes on and on a bit.
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
called Nerissa
who collects teddy bears a lot.
Monday, 24 September 2007
I'm going to switch completely off topic today and talk about Maths. For any of you you read my profile, who will know that I did do a BA in Mathematics at Imperial College. If this seems odd, it is the reason that I am good at both science and art and enjoy both. My real passion is off-course animation and that is what I want to do. However, to hold me in good stead for the future and to not waste a scientific mind, I decided to get a Maths degree first. That way if the animation ever went sour, like crippling arthritis in my index fingers for example, I would always find something to fall back on.
You know those people who say Maths is hard at university? That's because it is, it's really hard. However, if you have an interest in Maths I don't think that should stop you doing it. Maths is a bit general term anyway as when you diverge in many specific areas of Maths.
I got a great sense of achievement when I completed the course. Anyway, just thought I mention it.
First of all there is my brother Lewis Taylor whose excellent guitar playing ca be seen at our Taydar Youtube page, which can be found in my links list.
My friend Ben Altmann produces interesting music which can be found at
Have a listen!
Sunday, 23 September 2007
London Zoo
Saturday, 22 September 2007
Random Doodles

Doodleboy Toon Effects Pictures
Monday, 17 September 2007
My Influences, a biography of me

Saturday, 15 September 2007
Other Characters

Finally, their is Stitchbag. A living scarecrow whose is butler for the king of the grim reapers, he is also headmaster for the Underworld Academy of Grim Reaping. As well as teaching kids the fine art of scaring and his butlering duties, an evil virus has infected a nearby alien planet of super intelligent chickens, turning them into alien chicken zombies. The Chicken zombies have now set their sights on invading earth. Oh, spoot!
Characetrs that appear in animatic

The second is Baby Boo Boo. A cute, curious but not too bright baby, he always manages to get himself into trouble mainly because he doesn't know any better.His name gives a clue to where this trouble usually leads.
New Youtube Videos

Thursday, 13 September 2007
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Early versions of Tag the Bunny
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Life Drawing
Daryl-Rhys Taylor's Tribute to Only Fools and Horses
I designed this Alien whose short with long arms as I thought it would be funny. His face was a bit different, but then I saw Lilo and Stitch ( great film) and I borrowed the Chris Sanders mouth.
I wanted to do a dialogue scene but, as I was pressed for time, didn't want to animate two characters. That's why Trigger is represented as a cylinder. I thought it was funny. Foster's is in the background because I think that show is great.
I did IK on the arms as I wanted lots of joints but I think I messed it up a bit. I didn't want to do big, wild poses as Rodney's dialogue isn't very loud but I wanted the lines to be hit and the poses to be read. That is why the poses a kept still for longer.
Again if sound is a problem I apologise. I have included some model sheets. This video is also up on Youtube.