Sunday, 27 February 2011

New Work

I actually have an interview for a flash/ 3d animator/ web game 3 month internship on Thursday.

I wanted to create a professional looking pitch bible for my portfolio to show that I could, so I took my Animation Station idea, and using the very good book "Creating Animated Cartoons with Character" by Joe Murray, drew these few pages up.

Drew these after seeing Tangled. Great film.
Wandering Cow

Here is a little test scene from the Droomwevers project I'm doing.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Bad News

The games company I did the test for cam back with a big fat N-O!

On the plus side, I know when my short will be up on the BBC's website, 28th February.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Redone Storyboards

Redone Grim soldiers Beat Boards.

Redone again. Many thanks to Bobby Rubio :iconbarrypresh:

A new action storyboard for my portfolio. The muscular platypus men are robbing a bank so the Toons (need to think of a better name) arrive to stop them. At the same time Ultimate Man is pissed off because people don't like him as much as Doodleboy. And start scene.

Redone again. Many thanks to Bobby Rubio

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Droomwevers Update

Just an update on the Droomwevers project.

I have caught up on all I lost in the great usb disaster of 2010. I have drawn and coloured all the different flash elements, and set up each piece of animations flash file.

I have now started animating again.

I have got an example here but it isn't finished, I have got to add some secondary animation with a wacom tablet.